
Inscrições do Big Challenge 2025 abertas!

A partir de 2025, a inscrição do Big Challenge irá incluir o pacote completo:
  • Acesso Ilimitado ao App The Big Challenge PLAY
  • O CLASS Challenge
  • As Class Activities
  • Certificados para alunos e professores
  • Recursos para os teachers

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Os professores participantes poderão fazer download do seu certificado de participação em sua conta pessoal.


Por favor indicar os segmentos desejados para a inscrição

Selecionar os seguintes níveis


When do I need to register my students?

Register your students by the 17th December 2024 and receive a Teacher Pack as a present for you. The final deadline to register is the 22 February 2025. 

What levels should I choose for my students?

Les niveaux du jeu-concours correspondent aux niveaux scolaires.
Il vous suffit donc d'indiquer le nombre d'élèves de chaque niveau (niveau primaire, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) que vous inscrivez.

In order to help you choose the right contest level for your students, we suggest that you follow the table below:

How many students can I register?

A minimum of 20 students is required to enter the contest. There is no maximum number of students.

However, if you do not reach the minimum number of students and you wish to take part in the contest, you will have to pay a fee of :

  • 175 € for your registration.
Is there a maximum number of students I can register?

No, there is no maximum.

The larger the number of entrants, the more motivating the contest will be for the students, and you can enter as many students as you like.

Should I only register the best students?

The aim of the Big Challenge is to create strong motivation among the students in your schools around learning English.

There is little point in registering the best students just to show everyone that they are the best. The real point is to register students, whatever their level, in order to create that "trigger" that sometimes pushes some of them to make a little more effort than usual to achieve a good ranking and, in the process, they discover that English isn't so difficult and that it really is within their grasp.